Single Trade
Single Trade
Application Form
Estimate Request for
General Contracting Services
Please fill out the Information Form below.
Note: If you need a permit for your project, and you do not have your own architect, The Renovation Co-op will provide a separate estimate for your Drawings and Permit Processing through its own Architectural Design & Permit Services.
Further...If your project requires a Building Permit, we will be unable to process an estimate request for the actual General Contracting work until we have received a copy of a completed permit for the project (supplied by your own architect or a Co-op member specialist).
To request an estimate for Architectural Services, please click Here.
Upon your submission of the Estimate Request (for General Contracting Services) below,, you will be granted access to any available funds offered through The Canadian Renovation Funding Program on behalf of The Renovation Co-op's Subsidy, Discount & Rebate Programs as noted within your final estimate.
Note: All client information remains strictly confidential and is never shared with 3rd parties, unless specifically requested by the client himself/herself.see disclaimer statement
Estimate Request
General Contracting Services